Psychometry - How You Can Do It

Although some believe that psychometry is controlled by spiritual beings, most researchers suspect that it is a natural ability of the human mind. Michael Talbot agrees, saying that "the holographic idea suggests that the talent is latent in all of us."

Here's how you can try it yourself:

  1. Choose a location that is quiet and as free of noises and distractions as possible.
  2. Sit in a relaxed position with your eyes closed. Rest your hands in your lap with your palms facing up.
  3. With your eyes remaining closed, ask someone to place an object in your hands. (The person should not say anything; in fact, it's best if there are several people in the room and you don't know who the person is giving you the object.) Preferably, the object should be something the person has had in his/her possession for a long time.

    (Many researchers believe that objects made of metal are best, theorizing that they have a better "memory.")

  4. Be still... as images and feelings come into your mind, speak them aloud. Don't try to process the impressions you get. Say whatever you see, hear, feel or otherwise sense as you hold the object.
  5. Don't judge your impressions. These impressions may be strange and meaningless to you, but they might be of significance to the owner of the object. Also, some impressions will be vague and others might be quite detailed. Don't edit - speak them all.

"The more you try, the better you will become," says Psychometry - Psychic Gifts Explained. "You should start to see better results as your mind becomes used to 'seeing' the information. But you can progress; at first you will be pleased to pick up on things correctly, but the next stage is to follow the pictures or feelings. There may a lot more information that you can obtain."

Don't worry too much about your rate of accuracy either, especially at first. Keep in mind that even the most renowned psychometrists have an accuracy rate of 80 to 90 percent; that is, they are inaccurate 10 to 20 percent of the time.

"The important thing is to be confident that you will gain accurate psychic impressions when you handle the object," says Mario Varvoglis at PSI Explorer. "It's also important not to try to figure out likely histories of the object, not to analyze and interpret your impressions to find if they make sense. It's better to simply observe all the impressions that come into your mind and describe them without clinging to them and without trying to control them. Often the most unexpected images are likely to be most correct."

Don't give up. Keep trying and let me know about your experiences.

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